Profundus to be Funded with 30 MSEK: Navigare Ventures and Gobia Enterprises Lead Investment Round

[Mölndal, Sweden, 29 May, 2024] – Profundus, a pioneering start-up at the forefront of retinal imaging technology, is proud to announce a significant investment totaling 30 million Swedish Krona (MSEK), with significant contributions from Navigare Ventures and Gobia Enterprises. Gobia Enterprises has been partnering with Profundus since early 2020, whereas Navigare Ventures is making their first investment. This capital injection will support Profundus in their regulatory work, production capabilities, and commercial launch initially in Europe and later North America.

”This capital injection marks a significant milestone for Profundus and validates the hard work and dedication of our team. With this support, we are poised to accelerate our mission of enhancing the quality of life for patients through early disease detection and treatment.”

Åsa Lindström, CEO Profundus AB

Profundus’ patented technology uses adaptive optics for retinal imaging, enabling the imaging of currently subclinical retinal features, paving the way for early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of various eye diseases. Profundus CEO Åsa Lindström says, ”This capital injection marks a significant milestone for Profundus and validates the hard work and dedication of our team. With this support, we are poised to accelerate our mission of enhancing the quality of life for patients through early disease detection and treatment.”

Matti Ahlqvist, Chairman of the Board at Profundus, comments, ”We are thrilled to have Navigare Ventures and Gobia Enterprises as strategic partners. Their expertise and resources will be instrumental in fueling our expansion.”

Fred Wallenberg, representing Navigare Ventures, and Jan-Erik Smith, representing Gobia Enterprises Invest, both expressed their confidence in the potential of Profundus to make an impact in the field of retinal imaging.

Jan-Erik shares: “We continue to see strong potential in Profundus and the company’s ability to make a significant impact within ophthalmology. We are pleased to see Navigare Ventures joining the company as new investors, contributing with strong industry experience and a long-term focus.” Fred remarks: ”Navigare Ventures is pleased to partner with Profundus on their mission to improve patient outcomes by early detection and treatment for those suffering from eye disorders. Over the long-term, we believe the company’s unique cell-level imagery technology has the potential to advance research in the ophthalmology field and other medical disciplines as well.”

For media inquiries, please contact:
Åsa Lindström, CEO Profundus AB
070-480 83 83

About Profundus
Profundus is a life science start-up company that specializes in the development of a ground-breaking camera and software system for advanced retinal imaging, utilizing adaptive optics. Its primary mission is to facilitate the early detection, prevention, and therefore treatment of various diseases by enabling the identification of changes in retinal microstructures.

About Navigare Ventures
Navigare Ventures is an early-stage investor specialized in science-driven companies. Through its investments, it strengthens the industrial and societal impact of research, as well as the long-term financial capacity of its ultimate owners – the Wallenberg Foundations.
Read more about Navigare Ventures

About Gobia Enterprises
Gobia Enterprises is a family-owned investment company with several decades of experience in building companies and developing ideas and research into product offerings and worldwide sales. Gobia has extensive knowledge about the life science industry, and an extensive international network.
Read more about Gobia Entreprises

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